IBM  (PC/XT chipset)



The original chipsets used by IBM for the PC and XT are based on the Intel iAPX 88 system. Some additional components are taken from the MCS-80/85 system. The iAPX 88 system consists of the 8088 CPU and support chips. It is a modification of the iAPX 86 system (8086 CPU), with the iAPX 86 having a 16-bit external bus, and the iAPX 88 having an 8-bit external bus. The iAPX 86 system was formerly known as the MCS-86 system.

The chips used in the PC/XT were introduced by Intel at various different times between 1975 and 1981. In addition there are various different revisions of a particular chip. Due to these differences, relying on a datasheet from a particular year alone, may be insufficient. One thing that should be noted is the the A on the end of a part number is significant. If you click the encyclopedia link you can find a very detailed summary of the differences between the datasheets up to 1989. Using very early versions of chips manufactured before the introduction of the PC may cause unpredictable results.

Last updated 2019-04-30T00:00:00Z
drv No drivers available
doc No chipset documents available


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